Sunday, September 28, 2008

Never drink alone again

Never drink alone again

If only George Thorogood had known this was possible, he could have had some company along with his ol Buddy Weiser. Of coursethen he wouldnt have had any reason to pen his semi-famous song I Drink Alone. But fear not George and all you lonely alcoholics out there. You know who you are you poor fools. Your party habits long ago cruised past amusing and settled into a Code Red level of life-ruining behavior.Youve so badly alienated all of your friends that you are forced to sit alone in y

Bottoms Up, Johnny

College was a long, long time ago, but I still remember the important stuff, like drinking games. I was always pretty bad at the skill portion of Quarters, but I didnt really have a problem with that it just meant I got to drink more. In fact, I rarely bothered with such things as pointing to other players with my elbow. Id point with my finger and ooops! time to drink again. Silly me. Being a vidiot, my favorite drinking games have always involved the eye of hell. Being a vidiot and a Bo

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